Your Child Can Take On The World Powered By Confidence and Optimism!
TRUE ABA In-Home ABA Service
TRUE ABA is an in-home ABA service that is leading the way in quality care that helps provide services to those with autism diagnoses. TRUE ABA encourages the neurodiverse ways our clients learn, think, and behave because there is no “right way” to experience the world. Our team’s specialties are in early intervention, language acquisition, home-based therapy, school-based therapy, and community-based therapy. We have NO WAITLIST for services with a 96% family satisfaction rate.
Early Intervention has been shown to produce the best outcomes for children diagnosed with autism. TRUE ABA in-home ABA service focuses on therapy for children ages 1.5 to 6 years of age using evidenced-based programming, collaborating with Speech and Language Pathologists and Occupations Therapists, and following a clear developmental path to discharge.Our programs are individually focused and designed to help your child reach their highest potential.
TRUE ABA in-home ABA service will be starting a pilot program to help decrease wait times for a diagnostic assessment. The pilot program will begin in Arizona and Colorado. ADOS-2
The ADOS-2 is the “gold standard” observational assessment of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). It can be used to evaluate almost anyone suspected of having ASD—from 1-year-olds with no speech to adults who are verbally fluent. The ADOS-2 is a semistructured, standardized assessment of communication, social interaction, play, and restricted and repetitive behaviors.
Scoring Following the assessment, the BCBA or Qualified Healthcare Practitioner will complete the scoring process. The results are then summarized and sent to your pediatrician for use in a diagnostic determination. The diagnostic determination may result in additional referrals for therapies to address skill deficits.
TRUE ABA in-home ABA service are proud members of CASP (Counsel of Autism Service Providers) and ACE (Authorized Continuing Education). Allowing our team to be a part of the highest standards, quality, and services. We strive to continue education and transfer our knowledge to families so that they have the tools and applications for success.
TRUE ABA in-home ABA service also supports our military families as we have created a collaborative environment to support our families when transitioning post. TRUE ABA knows that military families have more unique challenges such as PCSing, deployment, and living away from the support of family. Our staff provide a level of support and stability for these ongoing changes and advocate for our families to receive the must needed time for self-care.
TRUE ABA in-home ABA service works collaboratively with military families and their support organizations. We are in direct contact with developmental pediatricians, charge nurses, EFMP and Autism coordinators. We have experience working with families who are transitioning to and from post, changes in behavior due to deployment and reentry, and will help guide you through the ABA experience as it relates to the specific needs of military families.
TRUE ABA in-home ABA service has participated in collaboration efforts to improve the quality of ABA therapy on all of the military bases we serve.
True ABA in-home ABA service is here for all families with a variety of backgrounds and differences. We are here to hold your hand and guide you through ABA experiences so that you know you are supported, your voice is heard, you are receiving the most effective care, and you will leave with the best tools and practices.
TRUE ABA in-home service understands that for the children to be the hero of their own stories, they must have the support of their caregivers and community. We are all in this together!
Our in-home ABA services: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, Texas & Washington.